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Michel Harding, Owner/Operator

Cantrell Road

Cooper Connect Michel Harding, Owner/Operator Operators
Cooper Connect Michel Harding, Owner/Operator Operators

From a young age, Michel Harding had a strong desire to engage and connect with the people around him. He grew up in a military family, living in four different states while learning to make connections anywhere he traveled. His family eventually settled in San Angelo, Texas, and Michel attended college at Texas Tech University. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Marketing & Management, and married his wife Alyse in 2018. 

Michel and Alyse have two boys that keep them busy, Elijah and Marcus. They enjoy traveling, spending time outdoors, and loving on their local Little Rock community!

Career Highlights
Started with Chick-fil-A at 17 years old in San Angelo, Texas.
Selected to participate in Chick-fil-A’s Leadership Development Program for 2.5 years.
Selected as the youngest Chick-fil-A franchise Owner/Operator ever in 2018 in Lawton, Oklahoma. (age 24)
Transitioned to Little Rock, AR, as Owner/Operator at the beginning of 2022
Presented more than 6 scholarships in 2022
Helping 2 employees pursue an Owner/Operator career with Chick-fil-A
Chick-fil-A Story

Michel began his journey with Chick-fil-A at 17 years old in San Angelo, Texas. His former Operator, Tim Odom, saw the motivation and skill he had to succeed, even from a young age. Through his Operator’s mentorship, Michel continued to learn the business and progress within the restaurant, remaining at that location for 7 years.  

Upon finishing his college degree, Michel joined Chick-fil-A’s Leadership Development Program, which is an accelerated growth path through a variety of hands-on business experiences.  During this program, he traveled to 8 different states in 26 months, putting his business acumen into practice.

In 2018, Michel was selected as the youngest Chick-fil-A Operator, at age 24. He remained at the Central Mall location in Lawton, Oklahoma for over 3 years before transitioning to Little Rock, AR, in early 2022 as the new franchisee.  Michel is involved in his local community and passionate about the ongoing growth of his team members, hoping to develop them toward whatever dreams they might have.

Vision and Values

Michel and the Cantrell Road team aim to make an impact on their guests and intentionally  influence their community. Their mission is to be known as the most loving company by building T.R.U.S.T. 

  • The place to work
  • Reputation of excellence
  • Unified growth
  • Sanctuary of innovation
  • Together we care

The Cantrell Road Chick-fil-A gives back to the Little Rock community through various partners, events, and organizations. 

  • Cookies for a Cause, Make-A-Wish Mid-South
  • Supports the local Arkansas Food Bank
  • Arkansas Children’s Hospital
  • Involved with local schools
  • Partners with the North Little Rock Police Department in the Unsheltered Outreach Fair

“It starts off with the T.R.U.S.T. model we have as an organization. The ‘T’ stands for being THE place to work and it might be Chick-fil-A. But only 5% of my job of being an Operator has to do with chicken. Sometimes I’m focused on innovating and developing, other times I’m a counselor. Anything under the sun is fair game when you’re talking about ownership and business. Whether you are in this restaurant long-term or not, we are creating an organization where this is THE place to work and we just happen to be doing it through selling chicken. My goal is to help people be the best version of themselves and produce leaders who want to accomplish whatever goals they have.”

– Michel Harding

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